Yantai - "Shandong Institute of Business and Technology" -
Construction - afternoonphoto: mhobbs
Yantai - "Shandong Institute of Business and Technology" -
Construction - afternoonphoto: mhobbs
Yantai - "Shandong Institute of Business and Technology" -
round office building - afternoon
photo: mhobbs
Yantai - "Shandong Institute of Business and Technology" -
round office building - afternoonphoto: mhobbs

Yantai - Central - Old home with 'golden light - late afternoonphoto: mhobbs
Yantai - Western edge of town - Street "Peach" vendor - afternoonphoto: mhobbs
Yantai - On the western edge of town a little girl 'eyes' the plums and
peaches at her mothers street stall - afternoonphoto: mhobbs
Yantai - "Shandong Institute of Business and Technology" - View from
the second floor of teaching building number six - morningphoto: mhobbs
Yantai - Central - Apartments on the edge of a hill - between the
apartments - afternoonphoto: mhobbs
Yantai - Central - Apartments on the edge of a hill - walkway - afternoonphoto: mhobbs
Yantai - Central - Apartments on the edge of a hill - afternoonphoto: mhobbs
Yantai - Central - Apartments on the edge of a hill - washing - afternoonphoto: mhobbs
Yantai - Central - Very little light passes between the narrow walls of the
alleys and small back streets of central Yantai - late afternoon photo: mhobbs
Yantai - Mother and son - Small backstreet - afternoonphoto: mhobbs
Yantai - "Shandong Institutute of Business and Technology" -
Airconditioner cooling tower - afternoonphoto: mhobbs
Yantai - "Shandong Institute of Business and Technology" -
Washing on the green - afternoonphoto: mhobbs
Yantai - Central - Street sign - Shen Li Lu - "Small backstreet" - afternoonphoto: mhobbs
Yantai - Central - Father and son - Shen Li Lu - "Small backstreet" -
afternoonphoto: mhobbs
Yantai - Central - Man on bike - Shen Li Lu - "Small backstreet" -
afternoonphoto: mhobbs
Yantai - Central - Corner - Shen Li Lu - "Small backstreet" - afternoonphoto: mhobbs
Yantai - Central - Old man - Shen Li Lu - "Small backstreet" - afternoonphoto: mhobbs
Yantai - Central - Bike and gate - Shen Li Lu - "Small backstreet" -
late afternoonphoto: mhobbs
Yantai - Central - Two men come home - Shen Li Lu - "Small backstreet" -
late afternoonphoto: mhobbs
Yantai - Korean redevelopment in an area on the eastern boarder
of the city - many of the residents have been evicted without
consultation or adequate compensation (this type of "land grabbing" is rife
across China in areas of development such as Beijing and Shanghai) - afternoonphoto: mhobbs
Yantai - Flags advertising a new apartment complex - afternoonphoto: mhobbs

Yantai - Clothes factory demolition - An apartment complex will replace
the factory- afternoonphoto: mhobbs
Yantai - redevelopment area - demolition of old apartment buildings and
a factory, with the new apartments in the backgroundphoto: mhobbs
Yantai - New Korean apartment buildings on the eastern edge of town - afternoon photo: mhobbs
Yantai - Central - A street vendor spreads his buttons on the
sidewalk - afternoonphoto: mhobbs
Yantai - Central - "Red wall" - Old man with bike - afternoonphoto: mhobbs
Yantai - Central - Gilt Lion (close-up) at the entrance to a restaurant - afternoonphoto: mhobbs
Yantai - Central - Vintage sign for shoe repair (close-up) - afternoon photo: mhobbs
Yantai - Central - "Corner store" on Xinanhe Lu - afternoonphoto: mhobbs
Yantai - Central - A turn of the century school house
and church on Xinanhe Lu, its yellow 'washed' masonry
and brickwork darkened by the afternoon summer shower - afternoonphoto: mhobbs
Yantai - Old man with motorbike - Small backstreet - afternoonphoto: mhobbs
Yantai - Dark hall teaching building number six - "Shandong Institute of
Business and Technology" - morningphoto: mhobbs
Yantai - Sculpture in the fog - "Shandong Institute of Business and Technology"
- early morningphoto: mhobbs
Yantai - The mist through the burch tree forest - "Shandong Institute
of Business and Technology"- early morningphoto: mhobbs
Yantai - Peach vendor in the rain - On the edge of topwn - late afternoonphoto: mhobbs
Yantai - "Shandong Institute of Business and Technology" -
Building No. 12 - early morningphoto: mhobbs
Yantai - Central - Market street - Shellfish vendor - afternoonphoto: mhobbs
Yantai - Central - Fruit vendor - Small backstreet - afternoonphoto: mhobbs
Yantai - Beach No. 1 - Two young women walk on the
beach after a storm - afternoonphoto: mhobbs
Yantai - Central - A young boy and his sisters, sit amongst the debrise
of inner urban China - afternoonphoto: mhobbs
Yantai - Central - Young boy (making a scary sound) and his sister - afternoonphoto: mhobbs
Yantai - Central - A cyclist speeds along a busy street, whilst in the background a woman sitting under the watchful gaze of a billboard advertising the services of a cell phone company, talks on a cell phone - afternoonphoto: mhobbs
Yantai - Central - "Public woman" - Market street - (Marco Polo on his
travels across China from Europe, called the prostitutes of China
"Public women") - late afternoonphoto: mhobbs
Yantai - Central - Old house with red "knickers" and two bikes-
Small backstreet - late afternoonphoto: mhobbs
Yantai - Central - Washing in a window facing an overpass on
Jiefang Lu - afternoonphoto: mhobbs
Yantai - Central - Market street - Street vendor - afternoonphoto: mhobbs